Sunday, September 23, 2007

that my camera has a 15 second exposure setting

I also learned that 15 seconds just isn't enough some times. Yup, its another photo post. Heres the album:

Some of these had to be tweaked a good deal just to bring the levels up enough to be seen. Its a bit late in the night to do them justice, so I just uploaded the picassa fixes.

The other thing I learned tonight was the real downside to not having an SLR. The video viewfinder couldn't get enough light to show what was going to be captured in the shot. The peephole on my camera was too small and too awkward to handle lining up the shot. The other downside to shooting in the dark was trying to transition from the dark of night to the bright LCD and back again. I got a headache pretty quickly.

I always end up learning more about photography from the comments on these posts than what I do from taking the pictures themselves. Maybe someone can explain to me how you take a picture of a bright light behind a dark object and have it turn out well. It took me quite a while to get the moon behind that windmill and I'm still not 100% happy with how it turned out.


Unknown said...

taking pictures of lights behind objects is always tricky, even not at night. You will always end up with a silhouette and whatnot. If you are going for that, great, if not... then you need to try other things.

Using some sort of light (or flash) to illuminate the front of the object, while still letting the backlight thru. (capturing people on the beach with the sunset in the background you almost always need a flash)
If it is a bright backlight, you can also use something like a big white poster board to reflect some light back onto the front of objects.

WHen i was doing some night pictures of the moon, and wanted to have some foreground stuff that was seen also, i had a porch light on behind me. Long exposure. So the stuff in the foreground was seen (but not too bright) and the stars/moon showed up while the sky was still quite dark.

Now long exposures of far away things are tough. Any movement blurs it and, well the atmosphere gets in the way as well. I would try just playing with lots of settings... like hte iso settings. I know with real film you can play around with the sensitivity of the film itself, and digitals mimic it in some way, but im not entirely sure how (pixel binning maybe?)

Unknown said...

I liked them.

Unknown said...

keep posting your pictures. they are awesome!